Web Writing

"No One Reads on the web"

In an extensive 1997 study tracking eye movements, The Nielsen Norman Group established that no one reads on the web, and it still holds true today. In fact more recent eye-tracking studies show people scan in an F-pattern. So, how do you write for a medium that no one reads?

  • Write scannable copy.

  • Break up paragraphs with headings, subheadings and bullets.

  • Use infographics to depict data.

  • Use numbers (4) instead of writing them out (four).

  • Limit punctuation. (Sorry, Oxford comma!)

  • Include clear CTAs (Call to Action).

My LinkedIn article "Five Fast Ways to Jazz Up Your Digital Copy" covers some additional tips, but that's just the beginning.

Web writing Best Practices

Effective long-form web writers must:

  • Have a firm grasp of both content strategy and UX design best practices, even if they don't fill those roles.

  • Employ best practices for error message and CTA writing.

  • Incorporate brand voice in a systems environment, such as e-commerce.

  • Create effective page titles, headers, and meta descriptions.

  • Understand how SEO and SMO interact with web page structure to strategically implement keywords.